So... What is Zero Emissions Style?

Grand Tours Project Team

Mar / 23 / 2021

Our goal is simple. We want to commit to a 360-degree approach and align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for a sustainable future.

This means supporting local hotels and restaurants, employing local guides, reducing our waste and offsetting our carbon footprint. Simply put, we are thinking globally but acting locally.

It's still unclear what our sustainable future will look like, but with emerging technologies and the improvement of cleaner energy sources, many people, including ourselves, are now looking towards a post-fossil fuel world.

The air that we breathe, and our rivers and oceans, don't recognize local, national or continental boundaries - so we must step up and take responsibility. Our tour planning is changing to a better, more sustainable design. Already we have designed two tours where electric vehicles are incorporated, and transfers are eliminated. The Tyrolean Zero Emission Explorer and To Slovenia with Love tour, are our first ever zero-emission tours and are available for 2023. We are encouraging train travel and will provide a mechanism to enable guests and Grand Tours Project to purchase carbon offsets.

Our Zero-Waste Goal is exactly that. Zero Waste. Zero Impact.

Zero waste is an ambitious goal but in minimizing our own footprint, we help contribute to global actions that are essential to preserving natural resources and reducing waste. We are choosing hotels that not only provide value for money, comfort and style but are also working towards a reduced environmental impact. Actions started now by large and small companies, individuals and groups, help to ensure our environments, societies and economies around the world will become sustainable for future generations.

We invite you to join our journey in which we aim to promote the cause of Environmental and Social Sustainability through various initiatives along the route.

For us, cycling is a means, not an end for a sustainable world, a sustainable life. And combining the passion of the sport and the need to bring sustainability into the cycling world, will be a powerful way to contribute to a better world where everyone will fully benefit.